About Us

WEPPIA is managed by an Executive Committee comprising 9 elected representatives of the member organizations. Most of these individuals are either heads of their organizations or occupy a senior management position. The Executive Committee in turn elects the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who constitute the team of office All posts are honorary and all the elected members contribute to the functioning of the Association voluntarily. The Executive Committee meets every month, more frequently as required. All the member companies meets quarterly. The Association functions in a highly transparent and democratic manner with various issues discussed and debated as part of a learned decision making process. The Association receives unstinted support from specialists available in various member organizations for all its activities ranging from day to day operations to selection of state of the art technologies and appliances for application in the EPIP.

Due to the expanding activities and higher level of responsibilities of EPIP, the Association has appointed a full time team to oversee day to day operations as well as to interact with the Govt. machinery at various levels for execution of projects.